How to Use a Pressure Washer to Remove Green Deposits

Using a pressure washer is a quick and effective way to remove green deposits, such as algae and moss, from outdoor surfaces. In this article, we'll provide a step-by-step guide on how to use a pressure washer to remove green deposits and keep your outdoor spaces looking clean and tidy.

Water from a hose


Step 1: Prepare the Pressure Washer

Before you start, make sure your pressure washer is in good working condition. Check the oil and fuel levels and ensure that the nozzle and spray gun are securely attached. Also, make sure the pressure washer is equipped with the appropriate nozzle for the job at hand. A nozzle with a narrow spray pattern (such as a 0-degree nozzle) is ideal for removing green deposits.

Step 2: Prepare the Surface

Before you begin pressure washing, you'll need to prepare the surface you'll be cleaning. Remove any loose debris or obstacles, such as furniture or plants. Also, cover any delicate plants or objects nearby with a tarp or plastic sheeting to protect them from the pressure washer's high-pressure stream.

Step 3: Apply Detergent

Applying a cleaning solution to the surface before pressure washing can help to loosen and remove green deposits more effectively. You can use a commercial cleaner or make your own by mixing equal parts water and vinegar. Apply the solution to the surface using a low-pressure nozzle (such as a 40-degree nozzle), and allow it to sit for 5-10 minutes.

Step 4: Pressure Wash

After the cleaning solution has had time to work, it's time to pressure wash. Hold the spray gun approximately 6 inches away from the surface and work in a sweeping motion, moving back and forth across the surface in even strokes. Be careful not to hold the spray gun too close to the surface, as this can damage the material. Start at the top of the surface and work your way down, ensuring that you cover every area.

Step 5: Rinse

After pressure washing, rinse the surface thoroughly with a low-pressure nozzle (such as a 40-degree nozzle). Make sure to remove any remaining cleaning solution, as this can leave streaks or discoloration on the surface.

Step 6: Repeat (If Necessary)

If green deposits persist, you may need to repeat the pressure washing process. However, be careful not to pressure wash the same area too many times, as this can damage the surface.


Using a pressure washer is a great way to remove green deposits from outdoor surfaces. By following these simple steps, you can keep your outdoor spaces looking clean and tidy all year round. If you're in the market for a new pressure washer, be sure to choose one with the appropriate pressure and nozzle for the job at hand.

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